College Football Fans Chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ During Multiple Week Three Games

Joe Biden Chants (Credit: Getty Images/ Photo by Al Drago/Getty Images/ Screenshot/Twitter Videos and

College football fans continued anti-Joe Biden chants during week three of the season.


President Joe Biden has faced the scorn of college football fans ever since the season started, and during multiple Saturday games, “F**k Joe Biden” chants continued to ring out among fans. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

You can watch the latest videos tweeted by @OldRowViral below.




As Donald Trump Jr. and I talked about, I don’t think you’re going to see an end to these chants at any point in the near future.

We’re now in week three, and they show absolutely no sign of slowing down.


If anything, they look like they’re increasing. The Kentucky chant in the video above sounded incredibly loud.

When “F**k Joe Biden” is being yelled during major SEC games, you know fans have zero intention of stopping. They’re all in.


Will the chants continue next Saturday? If history tells us anything, the answer to that is a hard yes.