Mayor In Illinois Adds Ban Of Firearms And Ammunition To Coronavirus Emergency Executive Order


The mayor of Champaign, Illinois has issued an executive order in response to the coronavirus that could potentially ban the sale of firearms and ammunition, Edgar County Watchdogs reported.

Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen’s declaration of emergency came on Friday and is related to the coronavirus, which has caused many states to declare emergencies as the virus continues to spread. The mayor’s executive order gives Frank Feinen “extraordinary powers,” including the ban of the sale of firearms and ammunition, among others restrictions including a ban on the sale of alcohol, and the sale or giving away of gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products, according to Edgar County Watchdogs, a local government accountability nonprofit.


“The executive order allows the city to be flexible to properly respond to the emergency needs of our community,” Jeff Hamilton, the city’s manager, told WAND 17. “None of the options will necessarily be implemented but are available in order to protect the welfare and safety of our community if needed.” (RELATED: Louisiana Postpones Presidential Primary Amid Coronavirus Concerns)

The local emergency will be in effect for 28 days, the city council unanimously decided in a Friday morning meeting according to WCIA TV. Some regulations included in the ordinance will be immediately useful, but others won’t be necessary unless the situation worsens, the city manager said. 

“Making sure that we are prepared and ready for any eventuality. I hope all of this is for naught and that none of the emergency measures we’ve put into place are necessary,” Feinen said according to WCIA TV.

Illinois has a total of 32 confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of Friday and Gov. J.B.. Pritzker announced a state of emergency Monday.