Report: Some In New Migrant Caravan Heading To US Have Weapons, Guns, Molotov Cocktails


A new migrant caravan is heading to the U.S. from El Salvador and law enforcement officials report that some of its members are armed.

Bound for the U.S., the new group of migrants are reportedly following closely behind the thousands-strong Central American caravan currently traveling through Mexico on the way to the American border.

Three hundred Salvadorans left the nation’s capital of San Salvador on Sunday, according to a report from Reuters. The report details how law enforcement is struggling to deal with the new group, which is allegedly using violent tactics against Mexican border agents.

According to Reuters:

A third group broke through a gate at the Guatemala border with Mexico in Tecun Uman on Sunday, and clashed with police. Local first responders said that security forces used rubber bullets against the migrants, and that one person, Honduran Henry Adalid, 26, was killed.

Six police officers were injured, said Beatriz Marroquin, the director of health for the Retalhuleu region.

Mexico’s Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete told reporters on Sunday evening that federal police did not have any weapons, even to fire plastic bullets.

He said that some of the migrants had guns while others had Molotov cocktails, and this information had been passed on to other Central American governments.

Guatemala’s government said in a statement that it regrets that the migrants didn’t take the opportunity of dialogue and instead threw stones and glass bottles at police.

Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins reported Tuesday that the caravan is now being chartered to the U.S. border by tour buses. (RELATED: New Images Show Exactly How Massive The Migrant Caravan Is) 




[Photo credit: PEDRO PARDO/AFP/Getty Images]


[Photo by John Moore/Getty Images]

“We’ve seen the 5,000-strong caravan walking to the border, but now they’re waiting for a ride to the border,” he said. “This is the first time I have seen an organized bus operation from the state of Oaxaca actually getting volunteer buses to put people … on them and take them to their next location.”

Getty Images has previously shown the migrant caravan traveling by raft and flatbed truck.

President Donald Trump has made the migrant caravans a key talking point of the 2018 midterm elections. He has also dispatched thousands of armed U.S. military members to the southern border.