CNN’s Cuomo Claims President Trump Hates America — And He Can Prove It


CNN’s Chris Cuomo claims that President Trump hates America.

And that he has the evidence to back it up.

The anchor of “Cuomo Prime Time” made his case Thursday night and the video was posted on CNN’s website under the headline “Cuomo: Trump’s tweet is admission he hates America.”

The CNN star said the proof that Trump hates America was contained in a tweet from Thursday in which the president wrote:

“The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media.”

Cuomo called that tweet “an admission that you hate your country.”

The anchor attempted to prove that by asserting that “a free press is a metaphor for what makes America great.”

Therefore, he reasoned, Trump had “now admitted that you are against what we are all about.”

Cuomo advised the president: “The real problem now is for you is to convince people that you don’t hate what makes America truly great.”

And the anchor warned Trump: “Do you really think the people will keep a president who hates what their country is all about?”