Ana Navarro Once Called Trump An ‘Animal’


Regular CNN commentator Ana Navarro joined the crowd attacking President Donald Trump for referring to MS-13 gang members as “animals,” apparently forgetting that she had used the same terminology to attack Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Just after the release of the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, Navarro tweeted her disgust with then candidate Trump.

“Should Donald Trump drop out of the race? Yes,” she tweeted Oct. 10, 2016. “He should drop out of the human race. He is an animal. Apologies to animals.”


Following the president’s comments, which were specifically directed at MS-13 gang members, Navarro again tweeted her displeasure — but this time, she suggested that the president was like the Nazis because he referred to people as “animals.”


Navarro was not the only one caught in a similar trap, however. Jennifer Rubin, the self-described “conservative blogger” at the Washington Post, called President Trump’s comments “disgusting.”


But in August of 2017, Rubin also compared the president to an “animal” in an opinion piece that appeared in the Chicago Tribune.

“Only 24 hours after he read a serious speech off a teleprompter committing to send more young men and women to fight in Afghanistan, President Donald Trump reverted to form, delivering a rambling, rage-filled, 77-minute harangue that was alternately defensive, angry, accusatory and just plain weird. Like a trapped animal, he lashed out in every direction, trying unsuccessfully to draw blood.”

Still others tried to attack the president for his comments while simultaneously calling him by similar names.



When challenged about the comments, both White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Trump doubled down. Sanders claimed that his words were not strong enough, while the president claimed that he has no intention to cease referring to MS-13 gang members as “animals.” (RELATED: Sarah Sanders Doubles Down On Trump’s MS-13 ‘Animals’ Comment)