Baseball Star Ted Williams Was Shot Down By North Koreans 65 Years Ago Today

(Photo by Getty Images)

Regardless of their education level, it seems like most current professional athletes have an opinion on politics and American society. Colin Kaepernick started a national anthem protest. LeBron James called President Trump a “bum.” And JJ Watt is one of the most vocal supporter of the troops. Though varied, opinions are ever-present in professional sports.

But there used to be a time when professional sports and American policy were even more tightly linked. One of those times was during the Korean war. (RELATED: WHAT’S WRONG WITH A MILITARY PARADE ANYWAYS?)

Exactly 65 years ago, former Boston Red Sox player and Marine Corps pilot Ted Williams was deployed in Korea, participating in a massive raid against a base just outside of Pyongyang, North Korea. Williams’ plane was shot and and severely compromised, and he was forced to make an emergency crash landing.

Williams survived and was awarded the Air Medal.

He soon returned home from the war and resumed his spot on the Red Sox roster.


Williams went on to maintain a .407 batting average for 37 games, which is considered to be one of the most elite batting averages in history.

To this day, Williams is remembered as one of the most honorable Americans to have played professional sports.

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